Special Meeting Minutes for November 22, 2024
Lake Lucie
Community Development District
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Lake Lucie Community Development District was scheduled for November 22, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Lucie Pool Cabana, located at 8452 Village of Lake Lucie Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida, and also via web conference.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
George Rowe – Vice Chair
Jean Auletta – Assistant Secretary
Anthony Kerzic – Assistant Secretary
Tom Wood – Assistant Secretary
Paul Kaufman – Supervisor Elect, Seat 5
Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Attending remotely:
Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Lake Lucie Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. and All Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Several Residents. Attending remotely was Christopher Dudak, the Client Services Manager.
A. Anthony Kerzic Seat 1
B. Jean Auletta Seat 4
C. Paul Kaufman Seat 5
These Supervisors signed the Oaths of Office after the meeting.
It was noted that there are two Oaths, a State Oath, which staff has sent to Florida Commission Issuance for the three new terms, which began on November 19, 2024, and an internal Oath that is only kept with District records.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution 2025-01: Board Reorganization
Statute requires the consideration of Board officers after an election or change of Board composition. This resolution retains Cal Teague as Treasurer and Secretary, Jennifer Miller as Assistant Treasurer, and adds Christopher Dudak and Mandie Rainwater as Assistant Secretaries.
The Board nominated Jean Auletta as Chair, with no other nominations. The Board nominated Paul Kaufman as Vice Chair, with no other nominations. The Board approved these appointments and appointed the remaining Supervisors as Assistant Secretaries.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-01, appointing Jean Auletta as Chair, Paul Kaufman as Vice Chair, the remainder of Supervisors as Assistant Secretaries, Cal Teague as Treasurer and Secretary, Jennifer Miller as Assistant Treasurer, and adds Christopher Dudak and Mandie Rainwater as Assistant Secretaries.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Supervisor Wood, seconded by Chair Auletta, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Agenda, as presented.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for October 25, 2024
On MOTION by Supervisor Wood, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board approved the Draft Meeting Minutes for October 25, 2024, as presented.
There was no Old Business.
The meeting audio and video connection was lost at 10:09 a.m.
A. Donna and Glen Kunkle Field Requests
A list of field and landscaping items from residents Donna and Glen Kunkle was included in the Agenda packet and was sent to Field Manager Daniel for review.
The meeting audio and video connection was restored at 10:10 a.m.
When the connection was restored, District Manager Teague was discussing the lack of a contract with A. Reyes Lawn and Landscaping. He explained that staff has attempted numerous communications over the past year with both Field Manager Daniel and Apolinar Reyes to obtain a countersigned agreement from Mr. Reyes, as well as an itemized scope of services, but this has not been successful.
The Board decided to give Reyes Lawn 30 days to provide all aforementioned documents, or payments will be held until fulfillment. Chair Auletta will coordinate with staff, Field Manager Daniel and A. Reyes on obtaining these documents and on all future field management issues.
Chair Auletta suggested that all contractors should have a checklist such as the one PDM staff provided to Field Manager Daniel. It was also noted that Field Manager Daniel’s contract stipulates that he source contractors and proposals and manage the work and communications with contractors.
On MOTION by Chair Auletta, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board approved obtaining a statement of scope of service from A. Reyes, and a countersigned contract within 30 days, with a provision to withhold invoice payment to enforce compliance.
B. Invoices for Ratification:
i. McFadden Lawn and Pest: $3,150
Supervisor Rowe had previously confirmed that all McFadden work was only on CDD properties. This was also approved by Field Manager Daniel. He stated that it was work completed some time ago, but there were invoicing issues. Staff is awaiting corrected invoices to name who the proper bill should be sent to, a W-9, and other documents from this vendor before payment can be made. The Board ratified this invoice.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the Board ratified payment of an invoice to McFadden Lawn and Pest, not to exceed $3,150.
A. Resolution 2025-02: FY 2024 Budget Amendment
District Manager Teague explained that the Budget amendment is for Fiscal Year 2024 and is needed to rebalance the Budget. It reflects PDM’s contract and the line of credit for $200,000 of which $166,000 was utilized in Fiscal Year 2024. District Manager Teague noted that staff pulled another $10,000 from the line of credit in Fiscal Year 2025 to pay the District’s utilities and other bills. So, as of now, $176,000 has been used. The amendment reflects the $166,000, which was used for repairs to the pool, landscaping, and other projects, and other corrections to the Budget. The Board approved Resolution 2025-02 as presented.
On MOTION by Chair Auletta, seconded by Vice Chair Kaufman, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-02, amending the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget to include the contract with Premier District Management and the line of credit.
B. Line of Credit Signer Authorization
District Manager Teague explained that Morris Daniel must be removed as cosignatory, because he is no longer on the Board. Additionally, he noted that having two required signers has complicated the use of this fund, and the Board approved District Manager Teague as sole signatory.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rowe, seconded by Vice Chair Kaufman, with all in favor, the Board approved removing Morris Daniel as signatory, and designating the District Manager as sole signatory.
A. Current Field Report
District Manager Teague noted that this is a placeholder for Field Manager Daniel’s future reports, of which Field Manager Daniel is contractually bound to deliver every other month, or six times per year, as well as to appear at every Board meeting. The checklist report is an exhibit in his contract. Staff is awaiting his full counter execution of the contract.
B. Follow-up Items
i. Electrical Issues by Business Park Update
There was no update from Field Manager Daniel.
ii. Dead Tree in front of 1724 Pondberry Lane
There was no update. A resident stated in the meeting that this has been completed.
A. October 2024
District Manager Teague noted that there is $14,000 on the balance sheet, and $8,676 in the checking account, which is earning 4.59% interest. In November, $10,000 was transferred from the line of credit. Assessment collections will be coming in no later than the end of December, which will fund the District’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. The Financials were accepted by the Board.
On MOTION by Supervisor Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the Board approved the October 2024 Financials, as presented.
Vice Chair Kaufman asked about the process the Board will follow to address field items, for example — to repair the irrigation pumps, which Field Manager Daniel told him are down. District Manager Teague explained the process: Field Manager Daniel will report the problem to the District Manager and to the Chair, and he will source proposals for repair. If, in discussions, it is not deemed to be an emergency, then it will be presented at the next Board meeting for consideration. If Chair Auletta, District Manager Teague and Field Manager Daniel determine it to be an emergency, they will address it and notify the Board. The Board will not be asked for approval outside of a meeting, because this violates Florida “Sunshine” laws. In addition, they will not proceed with emergency repair if anyone on the Board expresses a desire to wait until there can be discussion at a noticed public meeting.
Resident Bruce Metzger gave partially audible comments about 3 pumps needing repairs, as mentioned above: one needs a seal, another needs to be rebuilt, and there is an irrigation pump with an unknown issue. There was discussion on locking the pump box, and Mr. Metzger will purchase a lock for it.
This was a no report from Attorney Urbancic.
Chair Auletta asked the name of the District’s attorney, and District Manager Teague noted that it is Greg Urbancic, and his office is in Naples, Florida.
There was no report from Engineers Culpepper and Terpening.
FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor requests or comments.
Donna Kunkle addressed the Spicebush Terrace undeveloped lots. District Manager Teague stated that he had inspected it, and he believed there might be Brazilian Pepper present. Staff will report it to code enforcement. He reiterated that this is private property, and the CDD Board has no authority. Vice Chair Kaufman stated that the HOA will include those lots on its agenda in January.
There were inaudible comments about a dead tree on Sandpine, which had been downed by Hurricane Milton.
There were comments about the legal requirements for the Field Manager.
There were inaudible comments about work on a sidewalk. Vice Chair Kaufman noted that this will be considered in the 2026 Budget.