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Meeting Minutes for October 25 , 2024

Lake Lucie
Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Lake Lucie Community Development District was scheduled for October 25, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Lucie Pool Cabana, located at 8452 Village of Lake Lucie Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida, and also via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

George Rowe – Vice Chair
Jean Auletta – Assistant Secretary
Anthony Kerzic – Assistant Secretary
Tom Wood – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)

Attending remotely:

Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
Mandie Rainwater – Assistant District Manager, PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Lake Lucie Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. and Four Board members were present. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Several Residents. Attending remotely were Christopher Dudak, the Client Services Manager, and Mandie Rainwater, Assistant District Manager.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Agenda, as presented.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Resident Barbara Gros asked if the gutter pan issue would be discussed on the Agenda, and District Manager Teague noted it would be addressed under 6E.

Resident Bill Eshleman asked about a dead tree on 1724 Pondberry Lane, which is Item 6F. He noted that this tree is still standing.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for July 26, 2024

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the Board approved the Draft Meeting Minutes for July 26, 2024, as presented.


A. Electrical Issues by Business Park Update

Chair Daniel was not present to address this. Supervisor Auletta stated that Chair Daniel had no update.

B. Public Facilities Report Compliance Discussion

District Manager Teague stated that we were authorized by the Board at the last meeting to seek the paid assistance of the Culpepper Terpening to research and provide copies of the missing Public Facilities Report(s), which is a statutorily required report with annual or every 7-year updates, until the District facilities are completed. Culpepper Terpening has delayed or not responded to multiple emails and phone calls. We cannot verify the completion of these required reports, because the County has no record of them, and Culpeper Terpening initially replied that they are not familiar with these reports. They had prepared engineering reports as part of the bond requirements, but that is a different type of engineering report.

District Manager Teague suggested that, as the new development in the District appears to be occurring, the developer will need engineering data as part of their new bond requirements, and perhaps something can be arranged then with whomever the engineer will be to produce this report at a discount.

C. Local Field Manager Discussion

i. Draft Field Report

Included in the packet was a basic template for a handwritten condition report for a potential field manager to use. This would be an attachment to the draft contract that the Board requested. The Board noted that they are happy with the verbiage of this the field report. More details are discussed below:

ii. Draft Field Management Contract

At the last meeting, the Board asked to see a draft contract that stipulated 1-year terms for Morris Daniel as the local field manager, with the contract to begin on November 19, 2024 when he is no longer on the Board. This consists of a minimum of six written inspections per year, quarterly lake shore inspections, contractor management, and attendance at every Board meeting.  Chair Daniel asked for no worker’s compensation insurance, and the District’s attorney stated that this is not a problem, given that Chair Daniel is a sole proprietor. The rate proposed by Morris Daniel is $1,500 per month.

District Manager Teague explained how this contract limits the authority of the field manager to act only on the instructions of the Board, as determined in public meetings.  The exception being that the District Manager and the Field Manager can manage some emergencies on their own authority in discussions with each other.  It was also noted that emergency meetings of the Board can be scheduled for addressing emergency needs, as well. The Field Manager can be given spending authority and other powers or limits on decision-making in motions made by the Board. The Board believed that Mr. Daniel had quoted $1,200 a month initially, but District Manager Teague noted that he had raised it to $1,500.  The Board approved this contract for field services, and authorized Vice Chair Rowe to sign it.

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Vice Chair Rowe, with all in favor, the Board approved the field manager contract as stated, with the Vice Chair authorized to sign.

D. Preservation Wetlands Maintenance Discussion

i. Pristine Lakes and Wetlands Proposal

District Manager Teague stated that Pristine Lakes and Wetlands, a Fort Myers company, presented a 4-year plan, and specified 2 visits per year for $10,700 per year, and a total 4-year investment of $42,800. It was noted that there are many Brazilian Pepper and Melaleuca trees, among others, and that over 90% of all vegetation in these areas is invasive. The immediate projects requiring completion are as follows:

  • The initial step is to cut and remove all exotic trees from the preserve border area, which is a small area measuring 1.45 acres next to the main road entrance, and to remove all exotic trees behind homes for safety and aesthetic reasons. Those deeper in the preserve will be cut and left in place.
  • The second step is to focus for the first two years on the 1.45-acre entrance to the preserve.
  • 1st field manager visit: cut and leave smaller exotics in place.
  • 2nd visit: 1 yearly spray of herbicide follow-up.
  • Thirdly, for the second two years, focus on the 10-acre eastern preserve.
  • 1st visit: cut and leave smaller exotics in place.
  • 2nd visit: 1 yearly spray of herbicide follow-up.

The Board approved this contract.

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the Board approved the contract for preservation maintenance with Pristine Lakes and Wetlands.

A resident asked about some undeveloped lots with invasive trees, and who is responsible. District Manager Teague noted that this is the owner’s responsibility, and that one can file a code complaint with the County, but this would perhaps bring the scrutiny of the County to the District, which has not previously been cited for non-compliance.

District Manager Teague stated that he will contact Pristine Lakes concerning the possibility of cost savings for combining a lakes maintenance contract with the just-approved twice yearly preserve maintenance contract. SOLitude currently treats the two lakes 12 times a year.

ii. SOLitude Proposal

As mentioned at the last meeting, SOLitude’s quote for wetland preserve treatments and maintenance was only for the preserve at the entrance, which entailed a 1.5-acre one time cut and leave in place event for $21,574, and then an annual treatment of $3,240, billed monthly at $270 per month. The eastern preserve at 10.5 acres was not quoted, but PDM estimates that it would be close to $100,000, based on this submission.

E. Remaining Gutter Pan Review including Barbara Gros at 8246 Maidencane Place

Chair Daniel’s written update is as follows: “The Atlantic paving project is complete, including the price for more gutters next year with the sidewalk repair estimate.” District Manager Teague stated that Chair Daniel relayed that there are several locations which are ponding during rain events, so those areas were delayed during these last repairs, because he desired to prioritize broken concrete areas first. This will be addressed in the next Budget season.

F. Dead Tree behind 1724 Pondberry Lane

Chair Daniel’s written update is as follows: “The tree on Pondberry is being removed this week,” though as noted earlier, this was not completed as of the meeting date.  It was also noted that the tree is in front of the home at 1724 Pondberry Lane, not behind it.


A. Hurricane Milton Cleanup

District Manager Teague reported that Chair Daniel has been asked to document all damages and cleanup with GPS locations, photos, debris pile measurements, addresses, bids, and disposal contractor licenses, to determine if there is a claim that could be submitted for public assistance.  However, he stated that it is not likely that there is any valid claim for public assistance, given FEMA’s increasingly stringent enforcement of its rules in the past several years, and the lack of public assistance granted to CDD’s statewide after Hurricane Ian.

B. Proposals for Ratification:

i. AquaCal R&M Pool: $1,013.48, $528.56, and $1,803.79

All three paid invoices are for the pool renovations and were approved by Chair Daniel. The Board ratified these proposals.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board ratified pool renovations at the cost of $1,013.48, $528.56, and $1,803.79.


A. Remaining Line of Credit Discussion

District Manager Teague noted that approximately $34,000 remains of the initial $200,000 line of credit. After November, a new co-signer on the Board will require appointment, or alternatively, District Manager Teague can be granted sole authority.

B. Reminder: 4 Hours of Ethics Training due before December 31, 2024

This is another reminder for the Supervisors to complete this training this year, if it is not already completed. It cannot be tracked, and there is no way to know if Supervisors have or have not completed the training. The law requires it to be completed as soon as possible each calendar year, so Supervisors will again be required to complete training in January 2025. The packet contains all the links to training options. He reminded the Supervisors to keep a record of when and where the training was completed, so it can be reported on their Form 1 in 2025.

C. FY 2024 Audit Engagement Letter

District Manager Teague stated that the renewal of the audit contract for Fiscal Year 2024 is $3,415, which was approved by the Board.

On MOTION by Supervisor Wood, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved the audit engagement letter.

D. Resolution 2024-11 to Memorialize District Goals Document

The District’s objectives, goals, and measurements document, newly required by law, was approved by motion at the last meeting, and this resolution is to memorialize it. This was approved by the Board.

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Vice Chair Rowe, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-11, memorializing the objectives, goals, and measurements document.

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements

A. July 2024, August 2024, September 2024

District Manager Teague noted that, as of September 2024, $21,026 remains in the fund balance.  He added that the District was ~$41,000 over budget, and the loan proceeds of $160,000 covered it. All of the Financials were accepted as presented.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved the July, August, and September 2024 Financials, as presented.


A. Anti Human Trafficking Affidavit on All Government Contracts

This is a new requirement that all proposals, contracts, and renewals will require a notarized affidavit, stating that the contractor does not use forced labor. District Manager Teague stated that he has delayed utilizing this with all vendors, in the hope that some clarification will be provided from the State for its implementation. We will be adding these to new contracts with our current frequent contractors, but the burden of obtaining a notarized form from every contractor, regardless of the size of a proposal, will likely minimize the pool of willing contractors.


There was no report from Engineers Culpepper and Terpening.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Auletta asked about the HOA’s contract with Comcast. She volunteered to obtain a new internet provider, because there were concerns about how long service was down during the most recent hurricane.


Barbara Gros asked when the gutters will next be reviewed, and District Manager Teague noted that Field Manager Daniel will draft a list of projects for the Board to consider, with the next Budget season beginning at the January meeting.

Residents asked about obtaining a traffic speed sign showing driver’s speed, and Paul Kaufman of the HOA noted that the community is on a list to procure one. He also stated that a “children at play” sign will be installed again.

Bruce Metzger noted that there is a diseased CDD tree at 294 or 296 Redcedar Place. This will be reported to FM Daniel for investigation.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting will be on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair