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Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2024

Lake Lucie
Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Lake Lucie Community Development District was scheduled for May 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Lucie Pool Cabana, located at 8452 Village of Lake Lucie Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida, and also via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

L. Morris Daniel – Chair
George Rowe – Vice Chair
Jean Auletta – Assistant Secretary
Anthony Kerzic – Assistant Secretary

Arriving later:

Tom Wood – Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM), and many residents.

Attending remotely:

Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Lake Lucie Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. and all Board members were present, with Supervisor Wood arriving at 10:15, after the meeting started and during the discussion on item 7Aiv of the Agenda. Also in attendance were Cal Teague, the District Manager, and Several Residents. Attending remotely were Christopher Dudak of PDM and Resident Bruce Metzger.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Chair Daniel, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Agenda, as presented.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There was a comment from a Resident, but it was inaudible.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for January 26, 2024

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved the Draft Meeting Minutes for January 26, 2024, as presented.


A. FPL Missing Meter Update

Chair Daniel reported that the missing meter for the Business Park sign lights has been found. There is no resolution for the electrical issues as of yet, and the meter is not connected.

B. Tree Trimming Updates

Chair Daniel reported that all of the Oak Trees have been trimmed by A. Reyes Lawn and Landscaping, and its invoice has been paid. The four Oak Trees struck by lightning have been removed, and their invoice has been paid.

C. Engineering Selection Process

Chair Daniel stated that a rumor has been circulating in the community about the pool and cabana landscape renovation project, stating that the cost is a million dollars, but in reality, the cost is approximately $150,000. It is behind schedule due to requirements from the Department of Health, but it is proceeding under budget.

District Manager Teague noted that some residents are reportedly concerned that the community did not vote on the renovations, and he explained that a vote of the community is not needed, because the project was part of the annual Budget, and it was approved by the Board.


A. Contracts Updates

i. SOLitude Lake Maintenance

District Manager Teague stated that, because no prior executed contract was presented to PDM, staff drafted a contract, based on the current services level and payments. This contract was approved by SOLitude at the current service levels for $2,890.32 per annum, which is 12 visits at $240.86 per site visit, with an annual 3% increase. The Board approved this contract for the Chair to sign, as presented.

On MOTION by Chair Daniel, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board approved a contract for lake maintenance with SOLitude at the current service levels of $2,890.32 per annum, with 12 visits for $240.86 per site visit, with an annual 3% increase, with the Chair authorized to sign.

ii. SOLitude Fountain Maintenance

Because no prior executed contract was presented to PDM, staff drafted a contract based on current services level and payments. This contract was approved by SOLitude at current service levels for $798.56 per annum, which is 4 visits at $199.64 per site visit, with an annual 3% increase. The Board approved this contract for the Chair to sign as presented.

Chair Daniel stated that the community’s previous vendor was Lake Doctors, and they were not happy with the condition of the lakes under their service.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved the contract for fountain maintenance with SOLitude at the current service levels, at $798.56 per annum, with 4 visits at $199.64 per site visit, with an annual 3% increase, with the Chair authorized to sign.

iii. A Reyes Lawn and Landscape

Because no prior executed contract was presented to PDM, staff drafted a contract based on current services level and payments. Although a complete Scope of Work is not available, this contract is at the current annual amount of $25,200 per annum, which is 12 visits at $2,100 for each site visit. The Board approved this contract for the Chair to sign as presented.

Chair Daniel stated that there will be an increase in the near future, and District Manager Teague noted that this is accounted for in the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget.

On MOTION by Supervisor Kerzic, seconded by Vice Chair Rowe, with all in favor, the Board approved a contract with SOLitude at the current annual amount of $25,200 per annum, for 12 visits at $2,100 for each monthly site visit.

iv. MOU for Cabana Rental from HOA to CDD

District Manager Teague explained that the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) stipulates that the CDD will pay the Village of Lake Lucie HOA in quarterly payments, each in the amount of $758, up to a maximum total amount of $3,032 per Fiscal Year, for the rental of the cabana and internet usage.  If the Board has more than four meetings, the price will not increase. It also stipulates that the HOA must send quarterly invoices. If the Board discontinues meeting in the cabana, the MOU will terminate at that time with no additional payments dueThe Board approved the MOU.

Supervisor Wood arrived at 10:15 a.m. and registered his vote for the MOU.

On MOTION by Chair Daniel, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved that the CDD will pay the Village of Lake Lucie HOA in quarterly payments, each in the amount of $758, up to a maximum total amount of $3,032 per Fiscal Year.

B. Contracts for Approval or Ratification:

i. Pool Renovation Proposal Ratification

This invoice is from USA Pools for $116,720. Chair Daniel stated that this price will come down, because the wheelchair ramp will be removed from the bill. This project was previously approved and included in the Budget. The Board ratified this proposal.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor the Board ratified the proposal for pool renovation, not to exceed $116,720.

ii. Cabana Flooring Proposal Ratification

This invoice is from Superior Floor Coatings for the deck around the pool at the cost of $10,000. Supervisor Wood and Vice Chair Rowe stated that it was completed extremely well, and the deck looks beautiful. This project was previously approved and included in the Budget, and the Board ratified this proposal.

On MOTION by Supervisor Wood, seconded by Vice Chair Rowe, with all in favor, the Board ratified the proposal for the installation of flooring in the cabana, not to exceed $10,000.

iii. Gutter Pan Repair Proposal

Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating submitted a gutter pan repair proposal with 13 repair areas for $16,037.  District Manager Teague noted that staff is still awaiting a corrected proposal with E-Verify language and a Certificate of Insurance that names the District as an also insured. He added that this will be in the Budget for this year.

C. Future Local Operations Manager Discussion

District Manager stated that this will be discussed at the July meeting.


A. Assessment Methodology Update

District Manager Teague stated that the methodology consulting firm he normally uses had quoted a sum of $7,500 to create a defensible assessment methodology, but he located the firm PFM, who quoted $5,000.  As noted, when PDM first presented to the District for management services, District Manager Teague believed that a professional assessment methodology should be completed, so that a rational apportionment of assessments could be determined and defended in law.  This method has been created and includes general administration, lakes and ponds, irrigation and landscape, operation and maintenance (O&M), and debt repayment. It was forwarded to the Board before the meeting for their review.

District Manager Teague reviewed specifics of the methodology. He stated that in Fiscal Year 2025, $243,000 will be needed to fund the Budget as proposed, including the debt repayment on the $200,000 line of credit. This must be paid off within 5 years, and the interest payments are only paid on the amount drawn from the loan. This is an increase over the prior year’s Budget of $219,400 and will necessitate an increase over current assessment levels. The methodology describes how this will be divided rationally between the three Unit Types: the Business Park, Unit 1, the Village homes, Unit 2, and the undeveloped acreage, Unit 3.

He further explained that Unit 1’s overall cost will be roughly the same, with some parcels increasing the individual cost over prior years. Unit 2 will increase for all parcels, and District Manager Teague noted that this is because the Budget increased from $219,400 to $243,000 for Fiscal Year 2025. Unit 3’s assessments will increase to reflect a share of the administrative costs and O&M. The assessment table in the methodology report indicates the full assessment amounts per parcel.

District Manager Teague stated that a notice will be mailed to all those with assessment increases, as required by law. He further noted that the Budget Public Hearing to be held on July 26, 2024, on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget is not for the public to vote, but to provide an opportunity for the public to comment.

On MOTION by Chair Daniel, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the Board adopted the assessment methodology, as presented.

B. Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget

An updated Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget was included in the handouts, which replaced the Budget in the Agenda packet. District Manager Teague outlined specifics in the Proposed Budget and stated that it will be the Budget presented at the Public Hearing, although some changes can be made at that time.  As was noted, assessment levels cannot increase after today’s approval of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget.

A discussion ensued on some future Budget needs:

District Manager Teague stated that the pond needs more littorals added. There are washouts and erosion that must be addressed. Chair Daniel added that, in the past, 1,200 littorals were planted in the pond.

Chair Daniel suggested that, in the future, a new recharge well should be dug to counter the irrigation water being withdrawn.  District Manager Teague suggested that the State has moved away from the recharge water requirements because, as the water table goes down, even pumping water in from wells will not stabilize the levels, because the water table determines the elevation of the water. All lakes recede as the season progresses, and the ground water levels naturally recede.

Chair Daniel stated that, after the gutters are repaired, the culverts in the District should be replaced.

A resident asked a question about a pipe that had been cleaned out. Chair Daniel noted that, although the area is overgrown, the pipe is still open. District Manager Teague directed the resident to ask his non-agenda item questions at the apportioned Agenda item at the end of the meeting.

The Board approved the Proposed Budget and authorized it to be sent to the County and posted on the District website.

On MOTION by Chair Daniel, seconded by Supervisor Auletta, with all in favor, the Board approved the Proposed Budget and authorized it to be sent to the County and posted on the District website.

i. Resolution 2024-07: Approving Proposed FY 2025 Budget and Setting Public Hearing Date

The resolution was approved as presented and the date of the Budget Public Hearing was set.

On MOTION by Supervisor Auletta, seconded by Supervisor Kerzic, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2024-07, approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and setting the date of the Budget Public Hearing for July 26, 2024.

C. FY 2023 Audit Update

District Manager Teague stated that the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit is due to the State by June 30th, and it is being prepared. He stated that staff is still gathering support materials from Chair Daniel for the Fiscal Year prior to the hiring of Premier District Management.

D. Supervisor Election Candidate Qualifying Information

PDM emailed information on qualifying to the Supervisors whose seats are up for election, which are Supervisor Kerzic, Seat 1, Supervisor Auletta, Seat 4, and Chair Daniel, Seat 5. The qualifying period is from noon, June 10th through noon, June 14th. Staff advised the candidates not to wait until the last minute to make a qualification appointment. Incumbents must file their electronic Form 1 this year before the qualifying meeting and print a copy to bring with them. The advertisement has also been placed, per requirement of the Florida Statutes.

E. District Registered Voter Count (258)

Each year the District registered voter count as of April 15th must be read into the meeting minutes by June 1st, per Florida Statute. That number is 258 registered voters. Chair Daniel noted that this number dropped from the previous year.

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Statements

A. April 2024

District Manager Teague noted that $3,031 has been earned in interest to date. $199,561 has been collected in assessments year to date. The Financials were accepted as presented.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Chair Daniel, with all in favor, the Board approved the April 2024 Financials, as presented.


A. CS/CS/HB 7013 – Goals, Objectives, and Measures Annual Reporting

District Manager Teague reported that the Board must design a District goals document that also includes how goals are tracked and evaluated for each project it undertakes, and publish it on the District website annually by October 1, 2024. At the end of the Fiscal Year, it must publish a findings report by December 1, 2025, and annually thereafter. The Board must approve a document at the July, 2024 meeting and post it on the District’s website by October 1, 2024.


There was no report from Engineers Culpepper and Terpening.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

There were no Supervisor requests or comments.


Several comments were made expressing gratitude for the pool and cabana renovations. Other comments are not available, because the computer lost power and could no longer record.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Rowe, seconded by Supervisor Wood, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing will be on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair