Goals, Objectives and Annual Reporting Form
Performance Measures Annual Reporting Form
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025
Overview of District: Lake Lucie Community Development District (District) was duly organized under of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and Ordinance No. 89-32 of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, as amended by Ordinance No. 89-46 and Ordinance No. 93-20. The District was created to oversee the financing, construction and maintenance of certain community improvements.
The District is comprised of 3 Units: Unit I: a business park to the west of US 1; Unit II: a residential subdivision known as the Village of Lake Lucie (156 home-sites); and Unit III: parceled undeveloped property located east of the current residential development. The District itself owns the pool cabana and pool including security fences, the irrigation system, two stormwater lakes, a fountain, and two wetland preservation areas.
The CDD is governed by a 5-member elected or appointed Board of Supervisors. The Board is responsible for actions to manage the CDD it represents.
Contact information for the Board and staff can be found on the District’s website.
In addition, the Board enlists a group of professionals to support the needs of the District:
- Field Manager: assists the District with on-site maintenance projects, asset inspections, and other field services.
- District Management: Premier District Management handles the financial, administrative and day-to-day needs of the District.
- District Counsel: handles the legal needs of the District.
- District Engineer: serves as the consulting engineer for the District.
Lake Lucie CDD has established the following goals, objectives and performance measures/standards for the Fiscal Year 2025:
1. Communication and Engagement
Summary Text if any at end of fiscal year:
Goal 1.1: Public Meetings Compliance
- Objective: Hold at least 3 regular Board of Supervisor meetings per year to conduct CDD related business and discuss community needs. Regular meetings are open to the public and agendas will include time for the public to make comments.
- Measurement: Number of public board meetings held annually as evidenced by meeting minutes and legal advertisements.
- Standard: A minimum of 3 board meetings were held during the Fiscal Year.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 1.2: Notice of Meetings Compliance
- Objective: Provide public notice of each meeting at least seven days in advance, and/or notice of annual meeting schedule. Notice to be shared on CDD website and published in a local newspaper.
- Measurement: Timeliness and method of meeting notices as evidenced by posting to CDD website, publishing in local newspaper.
- Standard: 100% of meetings were advertised with 7 days’ notice per statute or by annual notice of meeting schedule via newspaper, and on CDD website.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 1.3: Website Public Records
- Objective: Ensure that meeting minutes, agendas, District creation document, boundaries and location map are readily available and easily accessible to the public on the district’s website by completing quarterly CDD website checks.
- Measurement: Quarterly website reviews will be completed to ensure meeting minutes and other public records are up to date as evidenced by District Management’s records. Website reviews will also include running an ADA compliance report on all pages of the website.
- Standard: 100% of quarterly website checks were completed by District Management.
- Achieved: October ☐ January ☐ April ☐ July ☐
2. Infrastructure and Facilities Maintenance
Summary Text if any at end of fiscal year:
Goal 2.1: District Stormwater Infrastructure and Facilities Inspections
- Objective: The district will conduct at least 1 inspection every 3 years of the District’s infrastructure and related systems.
- Measurement: A minimum of 1 inspection completed per 3 years as evidenced by Field Manager’s oral or written report presented to the Board related to District’s Stormwater infrastructure and related systems.
- Standard: Minimum of 1 inspection were completed in the Fiscal Year (if falling within the applicable year).
- Inspection fell within current FY: Yes ☐ No ☐
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐
Goal 2.2: District Lakes Maintenance
- Objective: District’s Lake Maintenance Vendor will conduct regular inspections and treatments of the lakes.
- Measurement: A minimum of 4 inspections/treatments completed per year as evidenced by Lake Maintenance Vendor’s service reports.
- Standard: Minimum of 4 maintenance/treatment events were completed in the Fiscal Year by the District’s Lake Maintenance Vendor.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 2.3: District Preserve Maintenance
- Objective: District’s Preserve Maintenance Vendor will complete annual inspections of the preserves.
- Measurement: A minimum of 1 inspection completed per year as evidenced by Preserve Maintenance Vendor’s report.
- Standard: Minimum of 1 inspection was completed in the Fiscal Year by the District’s Preserve Maintenance Vendor.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
3. Financial Transparency and Accountability
Summary Text if any at end of fiscal year:
Goal 3.1: Annual Budget Preparation
- Objective: Prepare and approve the annual proposed budget by June 15 and final budget to be adopted by September 30 each year.
- Measurement: Proposed budget was approved by the Board before June 15 and final budget was adopted by September 30 as evidenced by meeting minutes and budget documents listed on CDD website and within district records and sent to the city and county at least 60 days prior to the public hearings.
- Standard: 100% of budget approval & adoption were completed by the statutory deadlines and posted to the CDD website and sent to the city and county at least 60 days prior to the public hearings.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 3.2: Annual Financial Audit
- Objective: Conduct an annual independent financial audit per statutory
- requirements and publish the results to the CDD website for public inspection and transmit to the State of Florida.
- Measurement: Timeliness of audit completion and publication as evidenced by meeting minutes showing board approval and annual audit is available on the CDD’s website and transmitted to the State of Florida.
- Standard: Audit was completed by an independent auditing firm per statutory requirements and results were posted to the CDD website and transmitted to the State of Florida.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 3.3: Assessments Notification
- Objective: Notification of annual assessments on district’s website after adoption of annual budget.
- Measurement: Presence of annual assessments values, separated by property type, with comparison for prior year’s annual assessment values available on district’s website.
- Standard: Assessment values to be accessible on district’s website within 30 days of adoption of annual budget.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
4. Board of Supervisors Annual Requirements
Summary Text if any at end of fiscal year:
Goal 4.1: Four Hours Annual Ethics Training for Supervisors
- Objective: Board of Supervisors to take 4 hours of ethics classes annually.
- Measurement: Self report of course work, certificate and dates of courses recorded by each Supervisor.
- Standard: All five Supervisors to complete two (2) hours of Ethics Law, one (1) hour of Sunshine Law, and one (1) hour of Public Records law training classes. Training is reportable on the e-filing of the annual form 1 in the following fiscal year.
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐
Goal 4.2: Form 1 and Form 1F Statement of Financial Interests
- Objective: Each Supervisor to complete the annual Form 1, and Form 1F when leaving office, within the statutorily required time.
- Measurement: Appearance by July 1 on the Florida Ethics Disclosure website.
- Standard: Form 1 to be completed within 30 days of the first day of office if not completed during Candidate Qualifying; annually by July 1 for current Supervisors; and 1F within 60 days of leaving office
- Achieved: Yes ☐ No ☐